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We offer you a 1-month roqia cure, an intermediate pack with more than the basic pack but less than the ultimate pack.

This treatment is composed of 8 products, all relevant in the field of roqia:

  • A box of herbal tea with 7 plants.
  • The bottle of 10 roqia oils.
  • At-Tiriak date honey with 6 plants and seeds.
  • Jujube honey (sidr)

  • Pure Indian Costus Oil.
  • The Ar Roumiya mix.
  • Pure sidr powder.
  • Black musk roqia chari'ya.

The herbal tea box with 7 plants:

Herbal tea composed of several plants mostly from prophetic medicine, such as black seed or Indian costus or even senna. This herbal tea is intended to extract witchcraft eaten or drunk, it also has undeniable beneficial effects for your health.

Ingredients : Rue plant / Indian costus / Costus marinus / Jujube leaf / Peganum harmala plant / Senna leaves / Nigella seeds.

Let's take the example of Indian costus and its health benefits, it acts on:

Diarrhea, Endometriosis, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Migraine, Hair loss, Urinary incontinence, Verminosis, Male infertility, Gastric ulcer, Allergy, Gastritis, Hyperthyroidism, Prostate cancer, Liver cancer, Stomach cancer...

To find out more, visit this link:

This herbal tea comes in the form of herbal sachets, the box contains 50 sachets.

Warning : Not recommended for pregnant women, some plants are abortifacients, senna is a powerful laxative! Do not exceed the dosage because of the Rue plant.

Capacity : Total weight 170 grams.

The bottle of 10 roqia oils:

Oils are widely used in roqia, they are known to be effective in removing sihr, like olive oil or soudhabe oil (ruta), imagine that to this you add nigella oil, costus oil, cade oil etc...

The power of this oil is further increased if you know that all our products are Quranized by us with amplified roqia. This oil is for external use only!

Ingredients : Indian Costus Oil / Rue Oil / Jujube Oil / Costus Marinus Oil / Nigella Seed Oil / Harmala Oil / Olive Oil / Meccan Senna Oil / Pistacia Lentiscus Oil / Cade Oil / Black Musk.

Capacity: 250 ml

At-Tiriak date honey with 6 plants and seeds:

This mixture is similar to a jam but it is composed of plants, seeds, all mixed with date honey. These products are mainly derived from prophetic medicine which makes it a product of choice. It is oriented towards cleaning the intestines and stomach. It is therefore relevant to rid the body of any sihr drunk or eaten.

Ingredients : Nigella seeds / Senna / Fennel / Watercress seeds / Siwak an nabiy / Marjoram / Date honey.

Warning : Not recommended for pregnant women, some plants are abortifacients, senna is a powerful laxative! Not recommended in cases of hypertension and diabetes.

Net capacity : 450 grams.

Jujube honey (sidr):

Our honey comes from Algeria, more precisely from the Laghouat region. Sidr honey is very famous, especially that of Yemen, the Laghouat region has the same characteristics as some desert regions of Yemen.

Nectar from Rhamnaceae whose flower has many medicinal virtues. Rich in vitamins A, C, iron and calcium, it is said to be antibacterial and antioxidant. It is said to soothe liver disorders, anemia, asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis and rhinosinusitis. It is said to relieve stomach ulcers, digestive problems, constipation, insomnia and irritability.

Sidr honey was chosen here in our treatment for the fruits from which it comes, namely the fruits of the Jujube tree, a tree mentioned in the Koran by the term "Sidratou Al Mountaha". It is well known that demons hate the leaves and the sidr tree.

Honey is mentioned in the Quran and Allah states that from the belly of bees comes a liquor that is a cure for people. The Prophet peace and blessings be upon him, emphasizes the benefits of honey in several authentic hadiths.

This honey is Koranized but you can also Koranize it if you wish.

Capacity : 250 grams.

Pure Indian Costus Oil:

Indian costus oil,

This herbaceous plant has marked the ancestral medicine of several civilizations with its virtues; we spontaneously think of traditional Indian, Chinese and Arab-Islamic medicines, so much so that it was used almost everywhere by other civilizations across Asia and as far as the British Isles.

In Arabic, it is called Al'Qist, Al'Öud Al'Hindi or Al'Qist Al'Hindi. Indeed, many hadiths (prophetic narrations) report the effectiveness and benefits of this Öud (root) against several ailments. Among them and according to Imam Ahmad, the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said:

"If a child is inflicted with tonsil or headache, then let his mother take al-Qist al Hindy, rub it in water and let him breathe it in the form of droplets through his nostrils."

It is used in massage or in sou'out - a method which consists of putting a drop of oil in each nostril, head raised - in addition to its virtues in roqia.

The prophet peace and blessings be upon him said that healing lies in hijama, honey and also Indian costus. Main medication among Buddhists. Has many therapeutic and medicinal virtues:

Anti-inflammatory, reduces markers of inflammation and symptoms of various conditions such as arthritis, eczema, hyperthyroidism, gastric ulcers, allergies, intestinal worms, endometriosis, infertility and urinary incontinence. Also boosts immunity and may help in the treatment of cancer.

Caution : Test on a small patch of skin to avoid any reaction or allergy.

Capacity: 50 ml

The Ar-Roumiya mixture:

This mixture is attributed to Sheikh "Muhammad ibn Ibrahim al-Roumi", and it is useful for treating certain cases of attacks by occult evil. This mixture consists of mixing 3 ingredients: the leaves of the jujube tree (Sidr), the alum stone and the living salt.

This mixture is very effective in removing witchcraft and the evil eye. Sheikh Ibn Abderrahman Al Jabarine validated this method of roqia as valid and beneficial.

Ingredients : Pure jujube leaf powder + Pure alum powder (shib) + Natural rock salt.

Warning : Be careful not to drink!

Capacity : 30 grams.

Sidr powder (Jujube):

Sidr leaves are renowned in roqia, advised by the predecessor Sheikh Wahb Ibn Mounabih against Ribt. Sidr leaves are always present in roqia and they have a powerful impact in the treatment of occult ailments.

Jujube leaves not only have an impact in roqia but also have medicinal properties:

  • Have a anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory action. 
  •      An anti-diabetic action from this plant
  • Sedative properties
  •      Sidr leaves contain antioxidants . More precisely, flavonoids which facilitate blood pressure regulation.
  •      Help to fight against anemia.
  •      The presence of saponins contributes to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  •      They contain linoleic acid, which helps fight muscle pain and osteoarthritis, and are a source of vitamin C.
  •      Toothache can be relieved when used as a mouthwash.

Capacity : 30 grams.

The special black musk roqia shari'iya:

Musk is a perfume that is either in powder or liquid form or even in pieces. The jinn hate its smell, with the possible exception of the Muslim jinn. Musk is extracted from the hormonal glands of the gazelle, pure musk is very expensive. But diluted musk can be found at an affordable price, black musk is hated by the jinn especially those who possess it by desire and love.

Ingredients : Alcohol-free black musk, lightened for roqia. Does not burn the skin.

When showering with Roqia water, it is advisable to put musk on the private parts, under the nose, ears and chest. It is also advisable to put musk in Quranic waters as well as in Quranic oils.

Capacity: 8 ml

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Qualité des produits

La qualité des produit est incroyable. J'utilise vos produit depuis 1 semaine (en particulier le miel de sidr, la confiture de dattes, la bouteille au 10 huiles et le musc noir ). Constat : Je ne suis plus autant attaqué dans mes rêves, et surtout il me semble que je ne mange plus dans mes rêves également. (Par contre quand il ya des manquements les shayatines sont à l'affut )
Il est important que je précise que j'ai fait un travail sur ma pratique religieuse, chose primordial car je pense que se contenter de vos produit (aussi géniaux puissent-ils être) n'est absolument pas suffisant. Il faut en priorité s'en remettre à Allah. Par conséquent, ces deux causes mise en pratique ont opérer un changement vraiment visible.
Je vous remercie pour votre service.

Qu'Allah mette la baraka dans votre commerce.
Salam aleykoum.


Très favorables

baraka Allahou fik


Qu'Allah te mette la baraqa et la bénédiction dans ta famille et tes bien cher frère. Super produits tres efficace pour ma part g commencé par le mélange au miel de dattes et oes tisanes je trouve très efficace sa degage pas mal de mauvaise choses dans les "selles" et quelques victoires sur des cheyatines Al hamdou li LLÀH...

baraka Allahou fik

Oum Mohammed
Pack complet et parfait

J'ai commandé le pack pour toute la famille. Je lave mes enfants avec le mélange ar roumya et je leur met l'huile aux 10 huiles. Les format sont parfait. Il est très complet, je recommanderais des que j'en ai plus in sha Allah.

Qu'Allah ta3ala vous récompense d'être la pour la oumma.

yahya nelson

Je suis très satisfait qu'Allah te bénisse